/Laurentiu Titei

About Laurentiu Titei

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So far Laurentiu Titei has created 1600 blog entries.
9 Mar 2017

Spectacular rescue of a dog

2019-02-14T07:15:22+00:009 Mar 2017|Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education|

A dog was trapped in the reed, in the middle of a lake in the Noua neighbourhood Brasov. The lake was frozen and the 11 month old dog probably went on ice, to the small island on the lake.

23 Feb 2017

Lily – the almost paralyzed one year old lady dog

2019-02-14T07:15:10+00:0023 Feb 2017|Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education|

The young lady dog went in the Victory shelter with a pelvis fracture, with one completely paralyzed leg and was at risk to remain so with both her back legs.

1 Feb 2017

The bears are recapturing their lives in the Libearty sanctuary

2019-02-14T07:15:04+00:001 Feb 2017|Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education|

The bears in the Libearty sanctuary who have never felt freedom’s taste, learn it. After they lived a life full of grief in cages they could hardly bear, just to entertain the tourists, without any dignity, their instincts tell them they are wild animals.