23 Apr 2018

Anca left her cage in zoo Piatra Neamt, for the Libearty sanctuary (Video)

2019-02-14T07:16:58+00:0023 Apr 2018|Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education|

Anca, a 24 year old female bear, left the zoo cage from Piatra Neamt, to come to Libearty. Thus, she will find the freedom close to her sister, who had the chance to come here in 2014.

23 Jan 2018

The Libearty sanctuary will be open on January 24th

2019-02-14T07:16:39+00:0023 Jan 2018|Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education|

The Libearty sanctuary is open on January 24th, when Romanians celebrate the union of the two “Danubian Principalities” of Wallachia and Moldavia, which is an official holiday.

18 Jan 2018

Update: The sanctuary can be visited, again

2019-02-14T07:16:35+00:0018 Jan 2018|Uncategorized|

Update: With big efforts, the sanctuary's employees and partners managed to clear the forest road to the sanctuary. Still, it is recommended that you attach snow chains to the drive wheels! The huge amounts of snow that fell last night blocked the fore