26 Oct 2018

Libearty, a major attraction for pupils

2019-02-14T07:18:19+00:0026 Oct 2018|Uncategorized|

Hundreds of children crossed the threshold of the Libearty Sanctuary these days and found out the stories of the bears! The "Different School" educational program reached the sanctuary in Zărneşti and we are glad we were able to offer the girls and boys a

16 Oct 2018

Schaeffler Romania continues to support Catarina

2019-02-14T07:18:10+00:0016 Oct 2018|Uncategorized|

After they exclusively adopted Catarina (known by our visitors under the name of Ina), Schaeffler Romania - the largest German employer in Brașov, decided to continue offering their support for the female bear in the Libearty sanctuary.

18 Sep 2018

Lizzie Daly, from BBC, filmed the rescue of Pamela and renamed her (video)

2019-02-14T07:17:56+00:0018 Sep 2018|Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education|

Lizzie Daly, a wildlife presenter for BBC Earth and biologist, recorded the rescue operation of Pamela, from the Zoo in Oradea, where her mature cubs used to attack her all the time. After reaching the sanctuary, she was renamed by the name of the wildlif