23 Jan2015

Seven years of freedom

23 Jan 2015|Uncategorized|

In December, the Libearty sanctuary had to say goodbye to another bear who’s also a symbol—Ursula. The Asian bear from Tibet left us in the last days of 2014 at the respectable age of 33.

27 Nov2014

When Andi met Ina

27 Nov 2014|Uncategorized|

Stress reduction and socialization are two important factorsthat affect the bears’ quality of life atthe sanctuary. In the following video, [...]

21 Nov2014

Goodbye, prince!

21 Nov 2014|Uncategorized|

Two years ago, the Libearty team’s emotions ran high as we rescued the oldest bear in Romania, called Prince Charles. The mission was risky due to the bear’s advanced age.