16 Feb2016

Mowgli needs immediate surgery

16 Feb 2016|Dogs|

He arrived at the Victory shelter with a serious injury on his broken back leg and ligament damage, after he was hit by a car. Mowgli is only nine months old and without this surgery he may never use his leg again.

10 Feb2016

BMT give a chance to a new...

10 Feb 2016|Dogs|

26 dogs left the Victory shelter for a better life in Germany. We thank our Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e.V. (BMT) partners for the chance they have offered to the dogs they took from our shelter.

8 Feb2016

Abandoned at the gate

8 Feb 2016|Dogs|

Puppy is just a little dog, about 2.5 months old. He has been being in the Victory shelter since he was just one month, after he had been abandoned at the gate of the shelter.

3 Feb2016

Open class at the Brasov Zoo

3 Feb 2016|Other Animals|

After they studied about “The Protection and Welfare of the Animals“, the pupils from two classes at the nr. 12 elementary school had an open class organized by Millions of Friends Association (AMP) at the local Zoo.