/Laurentiu Titei

About Laurentiu Titei

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So far Laurentiu Titei has created 1600 blog entries.
30 Nov 2018

Light a candle for Max!

2019-02-14T07:18:42+00:0030 Nov 2018|Uncategorized|

Join The Millions of Friends Association's campaign and donate 5 euro! For FREEDOM, for LOVE, to keep away other from the pain MAX went through! Join us and LIGHT A CANDLE FOR MAX!

29 Nov 2018

European Parliament: Cristina Lapis presented the solutions for the stray dogs (video)

2019-02-14T07:18:38+00:0029 Nov 2018|Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education|

The president of The Millions of Friends Association, Cristina Lapis, presented in the European Parliament the problem of the stray dogs and the solutions to solve it, at the premiere of the movie „A dog’s life – The homeless dogs of Romania“, directed by

22 Nov 2018

What do you do when your couch becomes maternity?!

2019-02-14T07:18:35+00:0022 Nov 2018|Uncategorized|

You bark as long as your vocal cords and lungs resist and you raise the alarm! That's how a four-legged managed to get his "justice" when he found himself out in the winter after his home arranged by the residents was occupied by a mommy and her three new