Hope Farm, sweet home for Sophia

Hope Farm opened wide its gates for an wonderful animal. Sophia is the star of the day. She is only 5 years old, but behind her docility the beautiful mare has a sad story.

Andra, Happy Tales Asociation president, spotted her one day on a field. She was forced to cary rubble, her legs were tightly tied with strings that caused her terible injuries so she couldn’t walk. Because she can barely walk her masters wiped her badly. Horrifiend by what she saw Andra decided to save the mare and bought it. She took care care of her wounds and Sophia recovered completly.  She was moved in the paddock with other horses saved by Andra over time.

Unfortunately did not accept the mare. Sophia became withdrawn, refused to walkand isolated herself in a corner. All integration efforts were in vain so Andra decided to offer her a new home.

The Millions of Friends Association president, lady Cristina Lapis agreed for Sophia to live in Hope Farm and so th beautiful mare became the 34th tenant of the only educational farm in Romania.

Since she entered the farm gate her behaviour has changed completly. She explored her new home, met her neighbours and the donkeys sniffed her shyly.

Sophia is in good hands, but how many other animals suffer for those who use them, hit them mercilessly? Help us to help them ! Donate! https://millionsoffriends.org/en/donate/

2020-05-01T08:47:25+00:001 May 2020|Other Animals, Uncategorized|