A woman from Brasov threw a dog out from her balcony

Yesterday in Feldioara, a locality from Brașov, a local woman got drunk and wanted to beat the 5 dogs she owns with a stick. One of these dogs got scared and bite her, therefore the angry woman threw the dog out from her balcony, from the first floor. The terrified neighbors called an animal protection organization. The little puppy has been found agonizing, by the “Millions of Friends” Association who took her and the other 4 dogs and offered them necessary medical care.

“These dogs belong to Feldioara. That little black one bite me until the blood came out from my finger and this is not the first time” said the woman.
The neighbors say that the only victims in this situation, are the dogs and that this is not the first time she beats the dogs.

“The lady has been aggressive with us as well. She has beaten one of the dogs right in front of us. I think she was under the influence of alcohol” says the veterinary assistant.

“At this point, the little puppy can not move and she is in shock. Her condition is pretty serious” says the association’s representative.

“If the police of Brașov will not take action over this situation, the “Millions of Friends” Association will make a criminal complaint against this woman” says Cristina Lapis, the President of the” “Millions of Friends” Association.
Until justice will be done by the authorities, the puppies will remain in the care of the Association mentioned above.

2019-02-13T14:52:56+00:0023 Jan 2012|Dogs|