/, Dogs/Saved from the hell named circus

Saved from the hell named circus

In just one week from today, after 24 years of torment, Masha and Laura, circus performers in Ukraine, will arive in Libearty Bear Sanctuary in Zărnești.

Torn apart from their mother since cubs, forced to jump over fences, ride the bike or the wire, all for the amusement of the public, the two sisters lost the most precious thing – FREEDOM!

When they weren’t performing, Masha and Laura were kept in small , miserable cages, where they could barely move. Once they get to Libearty, all of this will be left behind, like a nightmare from wich they managed to wake up.

The Million Friends Association (AMP) has accepted their request to receive them at the Sanctuary, a request from SOS Zoo and Bear Rescue and The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO), from Ukraine. LAEO managed to remove the bear from the circus, operated on their teeth, because they were in great pain and would accompany them to their new home.

From October 1 will start another adventure for the two bears: that of freedom! This is an adventure without spectators and applause, just with the peace of nature, the song of the birds and a lot of love and care from us.

Help us save them! Donate!

2019-09-24T12:29:26+00:0024 Sep 2019|Uncategorized|