//Another orphaned bear is safe at the AMP Liberty Sanctuary.

Another orphaned bear is safe at the AMP Liberty Sanctuary.

The little one arrived to us with the help of his colleagues from Milvus, after he has hovered for a while at the garbage cans, inside several towns in Mures County.

Being too young to survive alone in the forest for a long term, but already learned to fearlessly enter among people, the bear was brought to us where he will enjoy a generous land, dozens of hectares of trees, pools and the company of other fellows of it’s kind.

His health is good, has been neutered and will spend some time in the quarantine area, before meeting other bears his age: Bruni, Puppa and Fisticela.

2022-03-24T11:40:32+00:0024 Mar 2022|Uncategorized|