//Safe in AMP Libearty!

Safe in AMP Libearty!

Hungry, scared, with two cubs that she defended for 10 months from any danger, a mamma bear, about 7 year old, was looking for food in Noua area- Brașov.
After a period of monitoring the authorities saw that she did not put her right foot in the ground at all. Thus, a relocation as originally intended, became impossible. It was obvious that she and her little ones could no longer be protected from dangers in the woods. This was the reason for the decision to move them in the sanctuary.
They were caught with the help of a trap cage. From there all three were taken over by the AMP team. Unfortunately her disability will remain permanent. After a few days in the quarantine area where they were medically checked and vaccinated, they now began a new stage of their lives. AMP Libearty forest has become their home.
The full rescue action can be watched here.
2022-01-17T13:15:31+00:0023 Nov 2021|Uncategorized|