BMT give a chance to a new life for 26 dogs and warmed cages for the Victory shelter

26 dogs left the Victory shelter for a better life in Germany. We thank our Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e.V. (BMT) partners for the chance they have offered to the dogs they took from our shelter. After the dogs left, we took over 30 other dogs from the public shelter in Stupini.

We also have to thank our partners in Germany for the cages they sent to the Victory shelter. 32 indoor cages for the postoperatory room and seven warmed cages for the little puppies arrived here.

After the cages will be installed, more than 70 puppies will be sheltered in better conditions than we could have offered by now. BMT also helped us with other 83 outdoor cages and 10 indoor cages in the past. Our four-legged friends would thank our German partners, too!

Help us help the dogs from our shelter! With your small donation, we can save more lives!