For the first time… free

Flo2 Flo

After a lifetime full of ordeal, Flo has finally regained his confidence in people. Flo is a 6 year old dog, whose neck was deeply wounded by the chain his owner tied him with. He came under the care of the Victory team with deeply infected injuries that could have killed him slowly but surely. When he was rescued by our emergency team, he was very aggresive and didn’t let anyone approach him.

How we "fixed” Flo
After almost 2 months of medical treatment, Flo came out of the recovery room for the first time. Our staff anxiously awaited the patient’s reaction. There were 2 posibilities: either he would accept the walking harness, or still full of mistrust for humans, he would bite his handler's hand. Surprise: nothing bad happened! Flo put his head almost by himself into the harness and he didn’t show any interest in the other dogs he passed on his way to the walking yard. Here he felt, probably for the first time in his life… free. Unimpeded, he forgot about the barely 2 metre long chain, that had kept him prisoner almost all his life. He sniffed at every corner, he ran happily in all directions and even amazed us with his good behaviour. He proved once again that a dog can forgive more, and more easily than humans.

2019-02-13T15:07:10+00:0016 Dec 2013|Dogs|