Germanhouses for 50 dogs

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The Victory dog shelter, currently undergoing renovation, has received new kennels for dogs. The German association Bund Gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e.V has donated 12 double kennels to AMP. These were brought from Germany last month and were fit on a concrete platform, specially poured to make them easier to clean for the hygiene of their residents. The kennels have an interesting structure. They consists of two “rooms”: a covered room, where dogs are sheltered from rain and wind, and an open area that works as an uncovered terrace, where dogs can enjoy the sunshine. The two sections are separated by a wall with a trapdoor that allows dogs to be separated at cleaning and feeding times. After they were completed, the new houses were put in use for 50 dogs. Each kennel can accommodate between 3 and 5 dogs, depending on their size.

AMPand the Victory shelter “tenants” would like to thank the BMT association for its generous donation,and for the constant support for more than 10 years, helping us solving the problem of the stray dogs in Brasov.

2019-02-13T14:54:08+00:0028 Aug 2014|Uncategorized|