Fourteen puppies left without a mother

Hainute catei

Killed by a train, a mother dog left her 14 puppies adrift. Usually only two or three of them would have survived, but in this case, fate took care of all of them. An employee of the railway company decided to take them all to her workplace! AMP vaccinated and dewormed the dogs and later moved them to the Victory shelter.

Earlier this month, a rare case of civic involvement and love for animals took place. It’s rare because while most people are indifferent tohelpless puppies, a woman from Brasov rescued 14.

The mother of the puppies found shelter near the railways of CFR (Romanian Railways) Depot Braşov, and unfortunately she didn’t die of natural causes. The puppies remained helpless and alone, too young to fend for themselves. An employee of the railway company made a difference for them. „We were informed by an employee of CFR that she had discovered 14 puppies and a dog cut by the train. At the scene, we found that the puppies were five weeks old, homeless, and needed to be vaccinated and dewormed,” said Oana David, Victory manager. The woman who found themoffered to keep the little ones near her workplace, in CFR’s booth yard, while AMP provided food and deworming vaccines. After three weeks, the shelter was ready to receive the puppies. They’ll remain at Victory until they can be put up for adoption.

If you’d like to adopt one of the puppies, please contact us.

2019-02-13T14:54:33+00:0026 Nov 2014|Uncategorized|