Help us raise little Bamsee!

She is tiny as a dog, scared and she is depending only on us. At first she was so disoriented that although weak and dehydrated she refused the bottle. Slowly, slowly and with a lot of patience she began to eat on her own.

She is very greedy. Curious want a small bear eats? We tell you .

Bamsee is eating six times a day. Her menu established with the colaborating veterinarian of AMP consist is 6 egs/ day, 3 liters of milk/ day and honey 300 grames/ day. We also add vitamins necessary for a healthy growth.

Help us grow her big and strong! Donate 10 euros for raising Bamsee!

2020-05-28T11:01:25+00:0028 May 2020|Bears, Other Animals|