Safe in AMP Libearty!
Hungry, scared, with two cubs that she defended for 10 [...]
Mowgli needs immediate surgery
He arrived at the Victory shelter with a serious injury on his broken back leg and ligament damage, after he was hit by a car. Mowgli is only nine months old and without this surgery he may never use his leg again.
Libearty – the chance for a female...
A two year old female bear is the new inhabitant of the Libearty sanctuary, in Zărnești. She came from the Bucov Zoo, where she had arrived after wandering, on Christmas Eve, on the streets of Ploiești.
Adopt a bear for your Valentine!
There are four more days until Valentine’s Day! As all we do is based on our love for the animals, we invite you to celebrate this moment together.
BMT give a chance to a new...
26 dogs left the Victory shelter for a better life in Germany. We thank our Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e.V. (BMT) partners for the chance they have offered to the dogs they took from our shelter.
Abandoned at the gate
Puppy is just a little dog, about 2.5 months old. He has been being in the Victory shelter since he was just one month, after he had been abandoned at the gate of the shelter.
ETN Germany adopted two bears that live...
AMP is glad to announce the continuation of our cooperation with Europäischer Tier- und Naturschutz e.V. (E.T.N.), from Germany, one of the most important and active agencies for the protection of animals in Europe.
Open class at the Brasov Zoo
After they studied about “The Protection and Welfare of the Animals“, the pupils from two classes at the nr. 12 elementary school had an open class organized by Millions of Friends Association (AMP) at the local Zoo.
The day when the bear comes out...
The 2nd of February is called in Romania „The Day of the Bear“ as it is dedicated to the most powerful animal in the Carpathian area.
Santa Claus gave fluffy friends to the...
Thank you everyone for getting involved in the „Adopt a teddy bear for an orphan child!“ campaign and for making a happier Christmas for the orphan children.
Celebration for the first children who studied...
The pupils from the Nr. 12 elementary school in Brasov invited their parents, grandparents and friends for a happy and colourful celebration.
Oaks have a soul, too!
At the Libearty sanctuary, an old oak tree leaned over the fence and was in danger of being brought down by the winter wind and snow.
The „Libearty“ sanctuary is more accessible for...
The animal lovers who want to visit the bears that were saved by the Millions of Friends can now find easier their way to the „Libearty“ bear sanctuary in Zărnești.
The air duct where the kittens were...
The Mayoralty representatives decided to cover the air duct where three kittens had fallen last week. After six days of [...]
Happy ending for the kittens stuck in...
Two kittens (one and a half months old) were saved by the Millions of Friends Association team, from an air duct.
A she-wolf will run free together with...
The representatives from Regional Centre Wildlife Care and Treatment (CZITAS) from Petrești (Vrancea) appealed to the Millions of Friends Association to save a two year old she-wolf, who was raised in improper living conditions.