The dogs prepare for winter with lined boxes and warm clothes

AMP’s Victory shelter and the public shelter (administered in partnership with the City Hall of Brasov) are getting ready for winter. The streets have hardened the more than 700 dogs housed in these facilities, who had no heaters or blankets before their arrival. Unfortunately, many others like them have frozen from the cold. It’s humane to make sure they stay warm, so shelter administrators have already begun their winter preparations.

Puppies, older dogs, ”pocket” dogs, pregnant dogs, abandoned apartment dogs, and generally all breeds with short hair need “anti-freeze” protection. Low temperatures can cause health problems, so the public shelter boxes in Stupini have been warmed. Polystyrene is expensive and is no match for the claws of shelter tenants, so the best solution—100% natural—is straw. After adopting three dogs last summer, Meda and Gabriel Zacharia brought us bales of straw. The straw was donated back in September, but it was only in November that this “liner” was needed, as the weather has been warm enough until now. Besides straw, administrators are using also cardboard as “flooring.”

At the Victory shelter, Saint Nicholas came early this winter to change the wardrobe of the tenants. Thanks to our partners from the UK, Love Underdogs, several dogs received new clothes. Their joy and amazement was great.
At the moment, there are over 100 puppies living at the public shelter in Stupini, and 80 more are being raised at the Victory shelter. Their care requires frequent changes of bedding, so your help is essential: if you have thick blankets at home, clothes that your companion animals no longer need, large pieces of cardboard, or wet food, calcium, and vitamins, please get in touch with us.

For more information, contact Victory manager David Ioana (004 0731 334 787) or Brîndușa Popa (004 0731 334 785), co-administrator of the Stupini shelter.

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