Walking the dogs in the orchard!


Stray dogs should be walked too. It’s enjoyable and necessary for dogs, but few shelters afford to arrange a suitable space and train staff to work with them. Thanks to the collaboration with AMP, the public shelter in Stupini has finished arranging such an area. The apple orchard has over 1.000 square meters and is located on the side of the institution. “First we enclosed the space, then we arranged it. The trees were cut, the grass was trimmed and on a portion of 100 square meters shading spots were created. The investment wasn’t big and the work was made by the SPGA employees and volunteers together with the AMP workers” said Popa Brandusa, co-administrator of the shelter.

Now the orchard hosts a weekly walk of the 300 dogs accommodated in the public shelter. Unfortunately, the institution staff is insufficient to walk all the dogs every day, so AMP calls for volunteers. If you love dogs and if you are available, we invite you every day at the Stupuni shelter – Merilor Street No.6, Brasov, from 10:00 AM to 14:00 AM, or Sunday between 10:00 AM and 13:00 AM. For more information, please contact Brandusa Popa, the shelter co-administrator at: 0731/334785.