AMP saved from death another young stork, who was left behind at the beginning of the cold season. The bird was seen on a meadow, hardly walking through almost frozen water. A very kind local man thought the baby might end its life there and decided to let us know about the situation. Fortunately, this proved to be a happy-ending story. The bird was catched, medically tested and carried to the Friends of Storks shelter, in Cristian (Sibiu County).
Barti, which was named after the place where it was found (Bartolomeu neighbourhood), is in a good medical condition and flies over short distances. It got used to its new shelter and is sometimes „steeling“ pieces of meat when the caretakers prepare the meal. If it gets over the winter , next year Barti will be able to fly with other storks and will return to nature. Almost every year, when the temperature becomes lower, people with good hearts help us save the birds left behind by their flock.
Young stork rescued from certain death
Laurentiu Titei2019-02-14T07:11:06+00:006 Nov 2015|Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education, Dogs, Bears, Other Animals, Education|