A dog is for life,not for Christmas Eve

NU catel cadou

Christmas is close and many people believe that a puppy can be a perfect gift. If this idea occured to you too, then… think again! In most cases, this isn’t a good thing to do, either for the puppy or for the future owner. If you don’t know why, we will give you a few reasons that might change your mind.

Just to want, is not enough!
Sometimes the person you want to offer this gift to doesn’t want a dog, or doesn’t want one now. If they wanted one, they probably would already have one.
Besides! Wanting a dog is not enough!!!
Having a dog also involves a great responsibility. The future owner must really know what to expect when deciding to have a dog. They must know how to take care of her and be aware of her needs, because she’s not an object that just stays in one corner of the house, or near the gate, to defend the yard from intruders. A dog needs attention, education, care and adequate food appropriate for its age.

A puppy – a gift for children?
Almost all children want a puppy for their birthday or Christmas, but most of the time they do not realise they will have to take care of them and be responsible for them. So the dog becomes the responsibility of their parents who are already too busy. It’s not surprising that many dogs received as gifts end up being thrown out, abandoned, or in the best case scenario adopted by other families, something which rarely happens.
If however, you really want to offer a dog as a gift, and the other person really wants one, make sure they know what responsibility this entails. You can also offer them a book with all the necessary information. Buy a leash first and then go together to choose a four-legged. It’s better for the future owner to chose the dog themselves, as they will have to take responsibility for their decision.

2019-02-13T14:53:30+00:0016 Dec 2013|Uncategorized|