„A postcard, a ticket to Freedom!”

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Last year in December, the “Millions of Friends” Association has partnered with the Romanian Post Company – Brașov Regional. The partnership was developed in support of the animals protected by AMP, but also for the rescue missions of the captive bears, as the Romanian Post is a supporter of the animal welfare actions. The first project developed under this protocol is called „A postcard, a ticket to Freedom!”. In this project, AMP has created 5 examples of postcards with images from the “Libearty” Sanctuary in Zărnești. These cards will be offered for sale, with the support of the Romanian Post, in the post offices of 6 counties in Romania.

The purpose of this project is financing the legal confiscation actions of the captive bears, with the support of the authorities. One postcard will cost only 2 Ron, and 66% of the income of their sale will be used to save the captive bears in Romania.

In the past 7 years, the “Millions of Friends” Association succeeded in rescuing 70 captive bears from terrible conditions and in offering these souls all the necessary conditions to live a free life in the biggest Brown Bear Sanctuary in Europe.
„Our mission will not end here because in Romania there are at least 20 more bears who are waiting to be rescued from their miserable cages from illegal farms, decommissioned zoos or near pensions”, said Cristina Lapis, the president of the “Millions of Friends” Association Brașov.

Join this mission!

Support the “Freedom for the Bears” Project by buying a „Libearty Bear Sanctuary” postcard from the Post Offices!

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