Everybody feels a little guilty when their puppy sees them eating something and gives you that wistful look. But be careful! Some foods can be harmful. For example, did you know that onions, sweets, and chicken or fish bones can make your dog sick? Although you may want to share your dessert with him, in some cases a piece of chocolate can kill him. Before you give him your food, learn what AMP’s veterinarian, Ciprian Cocianu, says is safe for your dog to eat.
What is and isn’t okay for your dog to eat?
Keep your dog away from the bar! Even small amounts of alcohol can poison dogs, leading to coma and death. And though fruit is good for people, it’s not good for these animals. Apples, apricots, peaches, pears, and cherries can cause food poisoning. Avocado harms dogs’ hearts and lungs, and can lead to stomach problems and even pancreatitis due to its high fat content.
Another dangerous food for your dog is dough. A dog’s body heat increases the size of the dough in the stomach and produces alcohol, which can quickly lead to death.
Chicken bones, although not poisonous, can jam in your dog’s intestines and pierce them, or block his throat and suffocate him. The same is true for fish bones.
Cabbage, beans, and peas should also be avoided because they’re very difficult to digest. Raw potatoes and potato peels are also dangerous, warns Cocianu.
Chocolate is very toxic to dogs. Consumed in small doses it can cause serious digestive disorders, and in large quantities it leads to coma or death. ”Actually, no dessert or food that contains sugar is good for dogs. Even if it doesn’t contain chocolate, these foods can increase blood sugar, even for dogs, and can cause diabetes. Sugary foods also cause dental problems. If your dog likes desserts, you can give him sweet snacks made for dogs and purchased from special stores, because those products don’t contain hazardous substances or ingredients for them, but substitutes,” advises the veterinarian.
Dry food—the ideal solution
Like you, your dog needs a balanced diet, and what you can offer him by cooking his meals is usually neither healthy nor sufficient. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to serious diseases, such as bone deformities, skin diseases, reduced muscle mass, and even blindness. Failure of the heart, kidneys, and other organs can also occur. Losing weight may also be a sign that your dog isn’t getting the right food. Other signs are dry and dull fur, and appearance of skin conditiions as well as increased susceptibility to infection. ”A diet based on quality dry food, specific to each dog depending on its size, will increase life expectancy. It is a known fact that dogs fed properly live on average two years longer,” says Dr. Cocianu.
Resist the urge to give your dog “extras” between meals, because it’s not healthy for him. This also means refusing his begging eyes whenever you’re eating and he wants a piece of your food. Show your dog you really love him by taking his diet seriously and learning what’s healthy from experts.