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The workings at Visitors Centre are underway!
The team which has built the sanctuary is working now on the construction of the Visitors Center. Almost 50% of the building is complete: the resistance structure, the floor and walls are complete and the plumbing, electrical and heating equipment have already been installed.

The workings at he Visitors Center from the Libearty Bear Sanctuary in Zărnești have started in December last year. Back then, the workers have digged in the frozen ground to install the water treatment plant. Right after the holidays, the works have been resumed for the resistance of the building,which has been modified and improved. For the floor resistance screed has been poured, and in order to maintain the heat, in the screed some XPS was installed. The exterior walls were also plated with polystyrene following that, in the near future the room partitions with gypsum boards to be made as well. The electrical and plumbing installations were already made and the plumbing fixtures – the sink and the toilet – will be brought from Germany. As one of the three toiletts is for people with disabilities the bathroom furniture is also very special, made to order.
The working is far from being finished. The windows and the doors are about to “arrive”, these are necessary for not waisting the heat from the building. In fact, the building will be a quite “green” (ecological) one whereas, in addition to the efficient thermal insulation, the heating will be provided with an air-to-air heat pumping system. The heat pumps are the most friendly heating systems against harmful environmental emissions.
In this house visitors can watch documentaries and they can also buy souvenires. Thus, waiting in line to get into the Sanctuary will not only be enjoyable, but also educational.