First steps to a new life

sophie6 sophie2

If she could talk, Sophie would tell the hell she’s been through. She could have been hit by a car, or a fierce man could have spilled his anger over her – nobody knows how she got into the situation of crawling through the park in Prejmer, half paralyzed. Compassionate locals gave her food, until they realized that only specialists can save this dog. „Her legs were full of wounds, because being paralyzed, she walked only on her front legs. She has problems at her spine, but nobody knows the reason of her trauma”, said Brândușa Popa, AMP co-administrator.
The puppy got to the public shelter in Brașov, where she softened the hearts of all. She was soon adopted by one of the AMP volunteers who made a harness to support the dog’s hind legs, thus carrying her everywhere.
Then, a few people raised money – from their pocket – and transported her to the Veterinary Clinic in Cluj, 300 kilometers away, for a checkup at one of the best orthopedic veterinarians in the country. „As a result of the radiography, it was concluded that one vertebra was displaced. It could have been worse – a fractured spine”, says Brândusa Popa. Doctors suggested a mixed therapy – medication and physiotherapy. Each week the puppy receives intramuscular cortisone infiltrations, near the spine, close to the affected area. Moreover, the patient is spoiled with hydrotherapy twice a week, and the results are visible. In less than a month since the accident, Sophie can move her legs again.
Sophie’s medical treatment and special care are worth 400 lei per month and the prognosis is favorable. The specialists are convinced that Sophie will soon walk on her feet, without being supported in the harness. It’s true, that AMP volunteers have saved her life, but without the iron will of the puppy, the improvements would not have been possible.
If you want to send an encouraging message to the owners, or would like to financially support the dog, give us a feedback. Only this way you can guide Sophie to a new life!

You can watch a short movie with Sophie, HERE

2019-02-13T14:54:25+00:0031 Oct 2014|Uncategorized|