Freedom for Baloo!

20 years in an undeserved prison!
20 years of stress, inappropriate food, even alcohol given to him through steel bars!
20 years of objects thrown at him, noise and lack of hibernation!

A mascot in a european resort, for selfish “love”… This is how Baloo lives his life in Straja, Hunedoara county.

This weekend he was celebrated with fast, he recived honey and berries cake. From behind thick steel bars, Baloo watched the whole cruel show staged by his owners. No one there thought of the bear who lives imprisoned, who does not know what friendship means or be with other bears, does not know what it means to walk free through the forest, nor to climb trees or rest in their shade.

It’s been 12 years since we’ve been trying to give Baloo the life of a free bear, not a mascot one. We made complaints to all the competent authorities, talked to dozens of people, even initiated a public awareness campaign.

Release Baloo! He doesn’t deserve prison. He deserves freedom!

Sign the petition here !

2020-02-18T11:06:47+00:0018 Feb 2020|Bears|