//From death to life in just four months

From death to life in just four months

Reeling with demodicosis mange and distemper, an only two-year-s old female dog risks to diewas at risk of dyingin horrible conditions on the streets of Brasov.After four months of specialized treatment, AMP volunteers managed to put Kira on her paws.The good deed was followed by good news.: She was already adopted by a family from the United States who that’s is going to move to Brașov in the spring.

Kira was found on the streets of Brașov in the lastsummer, by an animal lover who was impressedalarmed by the two-years-old dog’s wounds. Her Labrador features could barely be observed noticed under the stains caused by demodicosismange. And if it were only that! „The A medical examination showed that the animal was suffering from distemper in an advanced state,and her paws were covered by deep wounds caused by demodicosismange. Her condition was poor, so and we made dideverything we could to save her.During her treatment, the dog was quarantined, as there was a high risk of her spreading the disease”, said Brandusa Popa, co-manager of the public shelter, where Kira wastransportedtaken. AMP volunteers raised money and started the treatment against fordemodectic mange and distemper – the latter being a relentless disease, as it affects the nervous system of the dog. After nearly four months, Tthe chronic lengthyand difficult treatment gave showed results after nearly four months. The disease went has goneinto reminiscence remission, and at the last week’s medical examination, showed thatthe dogKirais apparently appeared to be healthy.

Kira received chance for a life, and more. During the her treatment, a Romanian family from the United States was impressed byheard abouther casethe case and donated money to treat this dogher. They recently decided to adopt Kira and will take her home, and their decision will materialize in the spring, when the family willthey return to the country Romania. By then, the dog will she’ll be fostered by an AMP volunteer.