Jacuzzi time!


                                                       ”No matter the size of a bear,
                                                       After a long sleep, a bath is fair.”

Although she’s not a cub anymore, Suzy knows that after each winter-sleep comes the time for a spa. But as the pool is far away from her den, and as laziness is still the master of her body, the young lady has chosen to relax in a natural “Jacuzzi”. Glad to start the spring with some pampering, Suzy will not plan to stop at that. For sure other sessions will follow designed to relax her and take her out of the specific winter numbness state. Some massage and fur-styling at the trunks of the oaks, and maybe a “solar” session as well, when she’ll expose her fur to the still friendly rays of the sun….

2019-02-13T15:09:08+00:0028 Mar 2014|Uncategorized|