Mourning, before the World Wildlife Day

For The Millions of Friends Association, the 2nd of March will be a mourning day, forever. A day when a heartless man brutally killed a lady dog who had found a refuge in the Libearty sanctuary. The girl showed up three years ago, bashful and weak, with a wire that went through her neck. In the sanctuary, she found a bowl of food, a place to shelter and stroking. We had to wait for a few days until she became confident and let us take off the wire that was making her neck bleed.

Then, she brought her puppies one by one, when she considered that the sanctuary was a safe place.! Since then, she lived happily with the other dogs from Libearty who are the faithful guards of the bears, together with our security staff.

But this beautiful story about confidence, faithfulness and friendship came to a sudden end, when a shepherd smashed her head with an axe, just because he wanted so!

In the memory of Blacky (Ro: Negruța), we appeal to all the animal lovers join our efforts to have the culprit punished, according to the law for the protection of the animals. This tragedy needs to become an example for all the people who think they can decide about the life of an animal without obeying any moral or legal rules.

2019-02-14T07:15:18+00:003 Mar 2017|Uncategorized|