news from the Libearty sanctuary, starting April 1st

The price of a visit in the „Libearty“ sanctuary will change, starting April 1st  2018. The „Millions of Friends“ Association will adjust its prices for the animal lovers that want to visit the sanctuary.

From Tuesday to Friday

  • The ticket for an adult will cost 45 lei.
  • The price for children over five years old wil be 15 lei.
  • Students that are not 25 years old yet will pay 25 lei.

În weekend

  • The ticket for an adult will cost 55 lei.
  • The price for children over five years old wil be 20 lei.
  • Students that are not 25 years old yet will pay 30 lei.

This adjustment was determined by the increase of the price for utilities and food of the bears and of the taxes that we need to pay to the authorities.

Read the complete schedule here.

2019-02-14T07:16:47+00:001 Mar 2018|Uncategorized|