„ Normality means providing as natural living conditions as possible”

George Nicolae 1 site  George Nicolae 2 site

George Nicolae is the winner of the „Rescue Martinică” contest in March. He is from Brașov, is 50 years old and in March 2nd he made the most generous donation to Martinică’s box, located in the Real Supermarket from Brașov. He is a professional computer scientist and as he is away most of his time, we could hardly catch him to snatch a few words. „I have heard about this campaign on the radio, and then I saw the teddy-bear on the hall of this Supermarket. We love animals – the whole family – and I think that this reason is enough for me to decide to donate for the rescue missions of the captive bears. I believe that keeping bears behind bars is not the best idea. I think that normality means providing as natural living conditions as possible”, says Nicolae.
The man has 3 cats and a dog and his daughter is involved in rescuing stray dogs and making the necessary steps to provide them a shelter. This is not the first time when he offers money to an organization. He has also made donations to other animal protection associations and NGOs for orphans. „ I think we should help each other, as long as our pockets allow us to do so. Only then we can make life more beautiful for animals and for humans as well”, says „Martinică’s rescuer”.
Nicolae loves bears as well, so he came to visit the Sanctuary in November last year. He was unlucky, because Ashley Dixon – a well known UK pop star and Asher Keddie – an Australian actress have had some shootings in the sanctuary, so the access was not allowed for visitors. Even if he could not see the bears then, sometimes it’s even better later. Beside the teddy bear, George also won four tickets to the Sanctuary. He is planning to visit the bears with his family this summer, when it will be warm and the bears will be more lively.
The „Rescue Martinică” contest started in October and it is an interactive and educational way to raise funds to rescue the captive bears. At this point there are still eight bears kept behind bars without any legal documents, and Martinică will not rest until he raises all the necessary money for their release.