Number one on tripadvisor

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According to the travel review site, the Libearty Bear Sanctuary is now the number one biggest tourist attraction in the Brasov area. This ranking is important, but what gives us more satisfaction is that some of you who met our bears this summer posted your impressions of the sanctuary on the site, along with your own photos. What’s clear from these reviews is how inspiring visitors find it to hear the bear’s stories and see firsthand the difference Libearty has made in their lives. We picked a few to share here:

“The reservation is the amazing work of one woman who cared about the bears and wanted to save them. Just to see this dream come true is heartwarming! Buying your ticket, buying a snack in the vending machine and buying a souvenir all go to help the bears.”      Oran, Israel

“I had an absolutely wonderful time there and was so happy to see the bears eating their watermelon breakfast and watching one happy chap rolling in the grass not seeming to have a care in the world. I saw a video telling the story of some of the bears and their stories made me cry. I think the bears there are happy, they are safe and the Sanctuary does a fantastic job.”      Jill, Isle of Man

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