Pedicure for donkeys!

Pedichiura 2  

As we have mentioned before, the bear sanctuary is not housing bears only. Other animals such as wolves and donkeys get as much attention and care as the bears that represent the majority of the animals on the 69 hectares of the sanctuary. Last month, perhaps the most spoilt were the two donkeys we rescued in December after being abandoned for weeks on a field near Vulcan, a town near Braşov. Upon their arrival at the sanctuary the two had a real treat. Their hooves were washed, peeled and cut just like a real beauty salon.

Hoof disorders
The hooves of the donkeys absorb water more effectively than those of horses. These donkeys have already spent too much time on the damp field and without a serious “pedicure session” they would have risked serious problems within a short time. Besides, the hoof of the left front-leg of the female donkey has already crooked and she could hardly walk. In such cases, the sole of the foot can get infected, and any infected injury can lead to abscesses or diseases of the clefts. When a donkey has cleft problems, a part of the area becomes brittle and causes wounds so painful that sometimes the animal can’t stand on the affected leg at all. In order to avoid such problems, the hooves of the animal must be cleaned and should not be left for long periods on wet lands.

A CONTEST!!! Think of some names for these two donkeys and send your suggestions to The winner will be rewarded with two entry tickets for the Sanctuary, where he/she will have the chance to visit the donkeys too.


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