Picture of the month

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The bear crashed in a tree…
Climbing trees is a common activity in the Libearty sanctuary. Whether for safety or for acorns – almost all bears have climbed in a tree at least once in their new life – the one from the sanctuary. However, Gretel can be distinguished from a mile. He has a special way of sleeping in the tree – in a „crashed” style. “Flattened” on the trunk of an oak, with his neck stretched towards the top and his passed out paws, Gretel seems to trickle on the trunk if there would not have been for the “support branch”. You could say it’s a flying bear who executed a forced landing maneuver, smashing into a tree. It has not happened just once, we think. Searching through the photo archive, we came across a picture identical to that of the bear crashed into a tree. The picture was taken last summer. Could it be the same bear? What do you think?

2019-02-13T14:58:00+00:0029 Mar 2013|Uncategorized|