Post card heroes

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Six bears are “posing” for the release of their 15 “Brothers”

The „Millions of Friends” Association has selected five bears for the project called „A postcard, a ticket to freedom!” held jointly with the Romanian Post. Their stories are representative of the situation of captive bears in Romania, and the stances in which they were surprised at the sancuary are quite memorable.
Cristi and Lidia, Yogy, Cleo, Maria and Mura are the six bears who will represent the Libearty Bear Sanctuay in the „A poscar, a ticket to freedom!”project, unfolded by AMP together with the Romanian Post – Brasov Regional. The bears had to pass a rigorous “casting”, in which they “told” their outstanding stories from their previous lives (the stories behind bars) and posed in a professional photo session.
The selection was not easy at all. All the bears from the Sanctuary are unique, but their stories are similar. There are at least five “patterns” of how people can cause suffering to animals – tourist attractions on private properties, zoo attractions, shows with animals in circuses and hunting parties where bears with their cubs are killed. In addition, an alarm signal it is also the case of the the mistreated bears from abroad, in states without culture for animal protection and without the necessary infrastructure for their care.

The AMP team had to choose six heroes who will fight for the release of the last 20 bears kept in zoos and on private properties. They are the characters of the five Postcards that the Romanian Post will sell in the post offices of six counties in Romania, in order to raise the needed funds for rescuing the bears who still live behind bars.