Prince Charles is hibernating… in spring

printul charles hiberneaza site

As you know from the previous editions, Prince Charles has arrived to the Sanctuary in November last year. Due to his old age (almost 40 years) and his poor health our vets have consisted when saving this bear, the sanctuary-team was concerned that he might not live for too long. The cold winter was a real test for his organism, a test which he passed with flying colors. He refused to hibernate although the AMP team has prepared for him a durable and warm den, heated with straw, worthy of any castle inhabitant. All winter long he walked around in the snow and took short naps in the shadow of the oaks, trying to accommodate to the available space. We were very surprised to see that now, when the weather is warmer and the sun has thinned the snow, His Highness entered the castle and started to hibernate. It is true that after a long winter Sandman has escaped the genes of the old man, so now he is sitting at the den’s mouth and he’s looking wise in the distance, over nine countries and nine seas, pursuing the caretakers with a boring look. From time to time, the old prince is thawing his bones making a few steps in the enclosure. He eats a little and then retreats back into the den. The quiet life from the sanctuary, the free air, the forest and especially the daily food have improved also his health, so we hope for him to catch as many springs as possible.
The Spring is approaching fast and old Charles will now have the chance to enjoy the pleasant surprises of spring: the colors and fragrances of the flowers, the young grass and the warm sunshines, pleasures that he unfortunately had never have in his life before.