//Rescue Martinica

Rescue Martinica

Campanie Real

Rescue Martinica

The “Millions of Friends” Association, together with the “Real” hypermarket have started a contest with prizes. The purpose of this contest is raising funds for the “Libearty” Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti. The participants are invited to save a bear, the most generous of them will be rewarded with prizes. Starting from yesterday, there has been placed a donation urn inside the hypermarket, urn which is actually a beehive. On the top of this hive sits Martinica, a giant teddy bear who was caught in stealing honey, therefore he was chained. Any of the participants in this contest will be able to release Martinica, and even take him home. The most generous donor will receive the key of the chains and will save Martinica. This gesture is a symbolic one, and represents the struggle of the “Millions of Friends” Association to save the captive bears in Romania. Between the 29th -31st of each month, the urn will be emptied and at the beginning of each month the winner of our campaign will be designated” said Liviu Cioineag, the manager of the “Libearty” Bear Sanctuary. The goal of this campaign is raising funds for the rescue missions of the captive bears from private farms, restaurants, hostels, zoos, circuses, etc. as long as in Romania there are at least 26 similar cases. The prizes of our contest make a total of 550 ron and consists in: a big teddy bear and a trip for 2 persons to the Bear Sanctuary (I prize); a trip for one person to the Sanctuary (II prize) and 4 entrance tickets to the Sanctuary (III prize).
The urn from the Real hypermarket is equipped with re-sealable bags, bearing a label that donors will be able to register the name and contact details on. Based on these contact details the winners of the contest “Rescue Martinica” will be determined each month.

2019-02-13T14:55:29+00:007 Sep 2012|Uncategorized|