She will give her baby a bear’s name!

Joane - voluntara insarcinata 4

Joane Barnes is a veterinary assistant, profession that she practices in Australia for more than 23 years. Working in the field, she developed a passion for wild animals and generally for bears. „ I think bears need a voice, for it is clear that they can’t speak for themselves, they can’t represent themselves”, believes Joane.
She came to Romania in March, in a voluntary service for almost three months at the bear sanctuary. Cheerful and lively, no one guessed that this woman is pregnant. „ I wasn’t afraid, so I haven’t even give it a second thought. I boarded the plane – me and my baby that no one knew about – and I came to Romania”, says Joanne. This fact has not affected her daily activities, and even put a shoulder to work – the spring cleaning, preparing the daily meals for the bears, the grass collection, etc. She used to joke about it: if princesses can ride during their pregnancy, why would not nurses volunteer with bears?
Already in the sixth month, she hasn’t neglected her pregnancy and she scheduled for ultrasounds in a clinic in Brașov. Proud of her unborn baby, she carries along the first pictures – those made with ultrasound. Impressed by this wonderful place, Joane promises that she will baptize her baby after a bear. Most likely there will be no Baloo nor Yogi …

2019-02-13T14:59:05+00:004 Jun 2013|Bears|