The beauty sleep

head over feet  pillow  somnul de dupa- amiaza 3.jpg 5

If you have been in the sanctuary or watching the newsletter, you have realized by now that our bears are living high. Every day at 10 am, the bears receive a hearty breakfast. They are munching slowly, as there is no bus to catch! Then, after 11, they have a free will program and some of them are encountering the heat with a swim in the pool. However, most of them are making a short walk – helps digestion! – and then widen in the shade of an old oak, same as a Spanish makes his siesta. There are many styles to make your beauty sleep, and we noticed a few.
The most common is “head over feet”, a style that transcends from laziness. The laziness to seek another position. Then we identified the sleep with the “head on the pillow” – this can be a root full of ribs, or even a branch of hazel. Although we would like to say that no hazel twig was injured during this practice, in fact it remains affected by discopathy or hernia. Do you remember how clothes hang to dry? The same, a bear can “hang in a tree”, position required for drying the fur… in shade. It is clear that the bears are not morning beings, but they are not to be blamed. Those who have made this mistake are likely to sleep all day long …. on their bottom.

2019-02-13T14:58:58+00:004 Jun 2013|Bears|