The first parents of dogs adopted “at distance”!

sandra cepoi - adoptie distanta

All 9 dogs posted on our website, have found virtual foster parents. AMP ensures, that all your donations will go exactly where it is most needed: towards the dogs whom you have chosen!
Among those who have used the virtual adoption, is a Romanian lady who left to America for 20 years. Sandra Cepoi is now a doctor overseas. While on holiday in the country she wanted to pay us a visit and chose to help a dog in pain. She was impressed by the story of Iasmin, the dog who lost a leg because of a necrosis in the right front leg. She also had several infected cuts on her back. Without thinking twice, the lady wanted to become her foster parent. She can’t take the dog with her, but she promised to send money each month for the maintenance and care of this beautiful dog.

2019-02-13T15:01:23+00:0014 Oct 2013|Bears|