The owned dogs in the town of Zărnești, registered and neutered by AMP

In the Zărnești county, the law for reducing the stray dogs population is now being enforced! 50 dogs with owners have been microchiped and registered, since the beginning of our campaign, on the 15th of September. Today, we started neutering and registering them in the data base of the the owned dogs (RECS). Starting next week, we will continue our “walk“ from door to door, in order to microchip another 50 dogs that will be neutered by the AMP veterinarian.

„We will go on from 50 to 50 more, until all the owned dogs in the town of Zarnesti will be microchipped, neutered and registered. We hope that Zarnesti is going to be an example for the entire country from this point of view and that there will not be any stray dogs on the streets. We also hope that the inhabitants will understand that a dog is a soul, not an object and, as one does not leave a child alone on the streets, dogs should not be left wandering alone. There are lots of people who let their dogs go out for a walk, but afterwards the animals come back with puppies. These little dogs are either killed or abandoned on the streets and then people complain that there are stray dogs“, says Cristina Lapis, the AMP president.

We invite other veterinarians that would like to become involved in this campaign to contact us, because the more we are, the stronger we become and we really need help.

For the neutering and registering actions, a team made up of a representative of the Zarnesti City Hall and one of the AMP take the dogs to the public shelter and then back home.

People who refuse this may be fined with up to 10.000 lei, according to the law.

This campaign is completely free, thanks to The Millions of Friends sponsors, that we would like to thank: Fundația Briggite Bardot (France), ETN Europaeischer Tier- und Naturschutz (Germany), Love Underdogs (England) and Association BMT Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e.V, from Germany.

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