The Sanctuary was “refreshed” for Spring!

curatenie d eprimavara site

As far as the changing weather of April allowed, the Spring cleaning took place every day. The Sanctuary Staff and the volunteers worked side by side to remove the dried leaves on the side of the gravel roads from the Sanctuary, which all together reach a length of approximately 4 km. It would have been easy if Mother Nature did not spoil the team’s accounts. For the droll April wind, the one that used to come with rain and snow after a few days of sunshine, scattered the leaves that were not yet collected to the previously cleaned places. Thus all the work had to be repeated!
A dirty road is not befitting a thrifty Sanctuary, it may even bring trouble. The dried branches that fell near the fences with electrical wires were also removed manually to ensure the proper functioning of the fence. You think it’s easy? A team of 2-3 people had to walk around the enclosures from the sanctuary to remove the plant debris. And that, after each storm or strong wind!
And because the sanctuary team protects not only animals but any living creature, over 40 pine seedlings were saved from death. Thrown in the trash, the litle pines reached a surprise destination … the Sanctuary. They were carefully planted near the main building thus giving a new chance at life.

2019-02-13T14:58:13+00:001 May 2013|Uncategorized|