The story of the wolves from Oradea

Lup site

At a zoo in Oradea, in a mizerable cage, there are 4 wolfs living, uncared for and forgotten as if by fate. There are 12 of them all together and because of the lack of space other 8 more wolfs are living in a separate enclosure.
They have suffered due to negligence of the former management team of this zoo. Romina, a 16 year old female wolf wasn’t sterilized, therefore she gave birth to several baby wolves including Ema, another female wolf who also gave birth to several baby wolves reaching for a total number of 24. Over the years all these wolves stayed in 4 different cages and because their number was too big, 12 of these were given in change for other animals (barter) and the rest of them remained at the zoo.
The Millions of Friends Association went to Oradea and took over the 4 wolves who lived in the same cage, they sterilized a bear and made them promise they will sterilize all the bears and wolves from the zoo avoiding this way their birth in captivity.
These wolves were brought to the Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti on the 11th of September.
Today they are living in the quarantine zone specially prepared for them. From here they will be released  in the large enclosure where the veteran wolves are already waiting for them join their pack.
Unfortunately Romina will not have the chance to join the new pack because she passed away on the morning of 17th September. After 6 days of freedom her tormented body yielded. Before the zoo from Oradea she lived a few more years at a zoo in Făgăraș as well. For 16 years she has been moved from one cage to the other without her having the chance to get to know the forest. When finally this opportunity came up for her, Romina had no more time and strength for the freedom…only 6 days. For her it was enough and maybe this hope kept her fighting and facing all those difficulties from the captivity, maybe this was her goal, to get to live a few days in the woods, in freedom.
She passed away reconciled and we are left to hope that up there in the sky she found her pack with which she is finally happy now.

2019-02-13T14:55:37+00:0019 Sep 2012|Bears|