Video: Bim and Bam were moved to the juniors’ enclosure

Bim and Bam, the two bear cubs saved by the Millions of Friends Association one year ago, have been growing up. So, the enclosure they were used to play in and climb the trees is now too small for their needs.

As they need more space now, Bim and Bam were transfered to an enclosure dedicated for juniors that was funded by Fondation Martine et Bertram Pöhl.

From now on Bim and Bam will enjoy nature even more, will have more space to play and the possibility to forget sooner that their mother disappeared from the den they had been living in and never came back. In fact, In fact, as soon as they came to the new and more generous enclosure, the two brothers ran happily and smell to get used to their new home.

Get involved and offer your support for their happiness!

2019-02-14T07:15:41+00:0025 Apr 2017|Bears|