Walking among bears is now possible

Bunker site

At the biggest brown bear Sanctuary across Europe, there has been accomplished something novel.
Inside the third big enclosure, it has been created a closed and protected space. From here one can observe the bear in his own “yard”, in his natural environment, without getting in contact with each other.
Through a 35 m long,1,25 m wide and 2,2 m high tunnel, you can get into the inner part of the enclosure, in an octagon shaped observation point which is placed 3 m under the ground, 30 m inside the enclosure and at a 15 m distance from one of the big pools from this enclosure.  In this 9 square meters big space there is place for approximately 10 persons who have the possibility to observe the bears threw the 7 safety glasses.
This bunker has been built in a special way. The masonry has been preformed and the inner reinforcement is a metal one. A concrete block has been poured and in order to prevent possible flooding due to water springs discovered during excavations a drainage system has been created around the bunker, the water being directed to the bear’s pool.