What have the students from Suceava learned about bears

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Suceava was for two days, in April, international capital in the study of carnivores in nature. It sounds pompous, but for the students enrolled in the project “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Predators in nature and culture”, it even meant that. Led by a school from Poland, the project had as partners, besides the „Ion Creangă” school from Suceava, other eight schools from Estonia, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain. The Libearty Sanctuary was represented in Suceava, at the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Suceava, to sustain an overview of the Romanian captive bears problem, generally and of the Bear Sanctuary in Zărneşti, in particular. The project Coordinator of the “Ion Creangă” school, Oltea Prelucă teacher, said „ The project aims to provide alternative enjoyable learning for biology, by the direct relationship between theory and practical work, observation, understanding the management issues of the wild life world, of the legislation, of the need to protect the natural diversity, practicing some behaviours towards the wild life, generally , and towards predators, particularly “. The Sanctuary representatives showed the children that the affection for these majestic animals comes from tradition, whereas the teddy bear is one of the most common toys in the world. Then, the love for this animal is cultivated through books, movies and cartoons, starting from the story „ The bear tricked by a fox” and the „Yogy the bear”cartoon. The students have learned about the relationship with man but also about the devastating effects of the unconscious and selfish affection, and the materialistic and interested love of some people.

2019-02-13T14:58:10+00:001 May 2013|Bears|