//Who has the heart to abandon pups on the street?

Who has the heart to abandon pups on the street?

pui sacele

Puppies are often abandoned in boxes in front of the shelter gate. About eight puppies sit piled up between the walls of the box, thinking of food. Sometimes they are rescued just before the nylon bag that hangs on the edge of a dumpster suffocates them. That’s how every month the Victory shelter receives between 10 and 30 puppies – only a few weeks old. The people’s lack of education and their preconceptions about sterilization, turn pet owners into unconscious criminals. “Most times they are abandoned when they are only 5-6 weeks old. Then they become annoying – arguing about food, walking around in the house – and it bothers the owner.” says Oana David, the shelter manager. The record was broken in August, with 14 puppies rescued in one day.
At Victory, the puppies are vaccinated, disinfected and receive specific treatments, based on their health status. “We de-worm them internally and externally, and make their first vaccination if they are 5 to 6 weeks old. If they have viral or respiratory diseases we treat them. Those who are dehydrated, anemic and are not eating, enter the perfusion and antibiotics phase. We act on each case.” said Florian Debu the veterinarian volunteer. Not all of them have a chance for life, but the medical staff and the caregivers can make miracles. “When we discover them, many have excessive internal parasites and can’t be saved. In rare cases, others make adverse reactions to vaccines. In the absence of maternal milk their immunity is low and they don’t survive, “said Oana David.

The abandonment is punishable
If you have neighbors or acquaintances who own puppies or kittens, give them a hand by posting pictures on specialized websites on the internet. If you want to get more involved, take them off the street and try to find a foster family. The animal welfare legislation punishes this kind of abandonment. If you witness such cases, don’t hesitate to notify the animal protection associations in your city.