Yogi’s story told by himself

I am 30 years old and I don’t even remember how I arrived at the zoo in Sibiu. Maybe it’s better this way. I wish I could forget also the years that I have spent there, but I can’t, I don’t know how. A lifetime spent in captivity can not be forgotten. I’ve had better days there as well, but that happened when I was younger and I was in the spotlight when visitors came and admired me for my immensity. I was proud back then. I have believed in my naivety, that everything that happens to me is normal. But when the three younger bears arrived, I was locked in a dark and cold cell, while the others were moved into a larger and airy space of the zoo.

After a long and tiring trip, today I woke up as if from a nightmare into a place wherethere is too much light and heat, too much green grass and trees as my mother told me before she became a piece of lifeless hair. Everything is so new and beautiful that scares me. But seeing so many happy bears here at the “Libearty” Sanctuary, I’m sure everything will be fine. Now I am not the “Big Bear” from the zoo anymore, but a free and happy teddy bear named Yogi.

Come and visit me!