//The bears from Libearty are eager to meet their brothers from Gyumri

The bears from Libearty are eager to meet their brothers from Gyumri

The Millions of Friends Association can confirm that there was a logistical problem with the documents required by the airline for the bears from Gyumri to come to the Libearty sanctuary. The Romanian authorities do their best to provide all the documents and fulfil all the special demands of the Austrian Airlines.  

Things like this may happen when we talk about wild animals transportation. They are souls, not goods and they need special care. When there are lots of authorities and parts involved, small obstacles may appear.

At this time, the place at the Libearty sanctuary is prepared for Masha and Misha and their brothers in the sanctuary are eager to meet them and we are sure the two bears will enjoy their new life.

We thank the representatives of the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets in Armenia that take care of the sister and brother bears and the Brigitte Bardot Foundation for their permanent and huge involvement!

DONATE to make their lives happy! (Please mention: „Bears from Gyumri Zoo“)