//April 12: Masha and Grisha are finally playing together (video)

April 12: Masha and Grisha are finally playing together (video)

April 12, 2016
After a few days of accomodation, when Grisha seemed to be afraid to get close to Masha, the bears saved from the Gyumri Zoo (Armenia) are finally playing with each other! No more fear or distrust, just the joy of freedom!

Masha and Grisha were set free in the training area from the Libearty sanctuary. Masha was the first who enjoyed her steps on the dewed grass, watch the sky and listen to the wind and the birds’ song.

Grisha went out later from the quarantine room, after he was examined by the Millions of Friends’ veterinarian. Still nervous and hesitating, Grisha had tried to climb a tree, but as he was still weak, he enjoyed taking the first bath in his life in the water pool. 

Masha and Grisha were very excited and nervous of the unknown, at first. Although they had been neighbours in the zoo cages in Armenia, they could only hear and feel each other’s smell as they were kept separate. Grisha is still a little fearful when Masha is coming close to play with him.

It is going to take some time until Masha and Grisha will get used to each other and to freedom. For the moment, they enjoy the smell of the grass, the sounds of the forest and they can run freely.  These are all natural things that have been forbidden for them before. The two bears that lived an awful life in the improvised Gyumri zoo will meet the other bears when our specialists decide they will be ready for this change in their lives.

 Meanwhile, they need the very good care that the Libearty representatives can provide. These people will make sure that the bears will forget the nightmare that they were forced to live in by people with no soul or ethics. For the two bears this is a rebirth and all of us who were involved in this rescue work wish them „A long and happy life in the Libearty sanctuary“.

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(Please mention „For the bears from Gyumri).